Print Recipe
  1. Grease and double line a deep 8” cake tin
  2. Soak fruit in the brandy for up to 6 hours. Them
  3. mix all the ingredients carefully together in one large bowl
  4. Spoon the mixture into the prepared tin and wrap
  5. several layers of newspaper around it, secured with string
  6. Bake at 120 C (fan oven) for 2 ½ hours or until a skewer
  7. comes out clean
  8. Cool the cake in its tin and turn out when cold
  9. Wrap in a double layer of greaseproof paper and a
  10. layer of foil
  11. Store at room temperature for up to six weeks feeding it with brandy on a regular basis.
  12. Once covered with marzipan and icing this cake will keep for a further 6 months at room temperature and well wrapped it will keep in a freezer almost indefinitely