  1. Simmer the oranges and lemons in 3 litres of water in a covered pan for about 3 hours and allow to cool
  2. Cut the oranges in half and scoop out all their contents into a saucepan. Do the same with the lemons but discard their peels
  3. Add a pint of the poaching liquid to the fruit pulp and simmer for 10 mins
  4. Strain through a muslin and leave everything to cool
  5. Cut the peels into strips and place in a large pan
  6. Use the muslin to squeeze everything you can from the pulp into the pan with the peels
  7. Add the sugar and very gently allow it to dissolve over a low heat.
  8. Once this is achieved let the marmalade bubble away for about 2 hours.
  9. Test for set, continuing with the cooking until it does, testing at 10 minute intervals.
  10. Allow to cool and fill your jars !