  1. Generously butter 2 x 2 pint Pyrex bowls
  2. Whisk together the flour, salt, sugar and instant yeast
  3. Add the lukewarm water and mix to absorb the flour
  4. Cover bowl and leave to rise in a warm place for at least an hour. Pre-heat oven to 220 C
  5. Using 2 forks punch down the dough and divide it into two. Plop each half into one of the buttered bowls and leave to rise uncovered until almost at the rim
  6. Bake for 15 mins at 220 C then reduce heat to 190 C and bake for a further 15-17 minutes,
  7. Remove from oven. Turn bowls upside down to release loaves and leave to cool
  8. If a little pale return to the oven for about 5 minutes more