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Course Main Dish
Course Main Dish
  1. Oven 160 C
  2. Roll pastry very thin and line a 10” ungreased flan dish, allowing pastry to overlap all round.
  3. Slice potatoes very thinly and soak in salted water for 20 minutes. Drain and dry the slices well.
  4. Layer potatoes with onions and garlic, making 3 layers, in the dish. Season well.
  5. Cover the dish with second layer of thinly rolled pastry allowing an overlap all round.
  6. Trim pastry overhang to ½” and then roll the two overhangs together so that the roll just sits inside the edge of the dish. Cut the roll at intervals.
  7. Mark the top with the point of a sharp knife into your chosen shape. Try not to cut right through the top! Brush all over with beaten egg. Bake at 160 for 2 ½ hours.
  8. Cut around the edge of the top and remove the pastry lid. Sprinkle all the herbs over the potatoes and pour over the cream.
  9. Replace lid and return to the oven for 10 minutes